Registration is usually a same day service.
Standards Development Fund Registration
The Standards Development Fund (SDF) is a statutory organisation with the task to develop and promote the standardization of commodities and services in Zimbabwe.
The fund is used primarily for standards development and quality control purposes. The fund sponsors organisations like the Standards Association of Zimbabwe in their pursuit to standardise product and/or service quality.
The fund is established by an Act of Parliament – Standards Development Fund Act [Chapter 14:19]. It is funded by a quarterly 0.5% tax levied upon a company’s gross payroll total inclusive of salaries, allowances, benefits and bonuses.
Advantages of Standards Development Registration
Compliance with the standards development law
Contribute to the development of product standards
Avoid fines, penalties and/or imprisonment
What we will do for you
- Inform you of all requirements needed for registration.
- Write and/or fill out any applications needed for registration with the SDF.
- Submit the application on your behalf and do any follow-ups needed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes it is. Registration is compulsory by law and non-compliance can result in fines, penalties and/or imprisonment.
Once registered you are obligated to:
- Remit monthly payments to the Standard Development Fund.
- Submit month returns to accompany your payments.
Requirements for registration
- Trade name
- Physical address
- Postal address
- Telephone numbers
- Cellphone numbers
- E-mail address
- Nature of business
- Contact person
- Position
- Date operations started
- Number of employees
- Estimated monthly salaries, wages/other allowances expenditure